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The 5Cs

The 5Cs

Ah, the 5Cs... a term that can trigger a range of reactions in Singaporeans whenever it comes up in conversation. It is basically a list that measures affluence and status here on this island. I didn't really elaborate on it when it was mentioned in Part 5 because I thought it had become archaic.

If you're not from around here and aren't sure what the 5Cs are, let me just get this out of the way. They refer to cash, credit card, car, condominium, and country club. The phrase clearly stems from the nation-building years during the 80s and 90s when some of those items were highly sought after. Attaining all five Cs generally means you've made it. You beat the game of life. You are a WINNER!

Over time and with evolving attitudes, the configuration of the 5Cs has changed. A country club membership, for example, isn't that relevant today. Credit cards also seem way too easy to obtain now. I still can't qualify for one since I don't have a fixed monthly income, but that's besides the point. I might have been mistaken, but I also remember career being one of the Cs, especially during the time when investment bankers were all the rage.

This is very different from the C for career that young people want today, of course. It's more about meaning and purpose for them now rather than pure straight up muhney, which is good, I guess... just like how current Cs like compassion, charity, and change sound intrinsically good.

Yet, I'm somehow not convinced that the 5Cs are passé and gone. It's also really just one C, right? Coz cash essentially takes care of all the other Cs once you have lots of it. And judging by the events that I've encountered in the series, most if not all our problems can be traced back to this fundamental C.